Parenting Conference
What is a Parenting Conference?
A parenting conference is a non-confidential process to assist the court in collecting information to determine appropriate orders regarding legal decision-making and parenting time in the best interest of the child. The Parenting Conference considers the relevant factors within A.R.S. §25-403.
Can’t I just go through the Courts?
Did you know that if you are ordered by the court to participate in a parenting conference through Conciliation Services of the Maricopa Superior Court, you can request the same with a private provider instead? A private parenting conference offers many potential advantages, including:
Doctoral-level, licensed psychologist
Advanced training in forensic psychology
Experienced in contested custody and divorce issues
Extensive experience with families and children
Compassionate, ethical, and professional
What can I expect out of the process and procedures?
A typical parenting conference includes a three hour joint meeting with the parents in which significant issues or concerns are identified. If necessary, the chlid(ren) are interviewed and relevant collateral records are reviewed. The desired outcome is for parents to reach a shared, reasonable agreement with regard to parenting time and/or legal decision-making; however, if the agreement does not appear to be in the best interest of the child or a fair agreement cannot be achieved in the time allotted, the final report to the court will reflect any concerns and considerations needed for the judge to make a final decision in the child's best interest. A typical report, assuming full cooperation and availability of the parties, is produced within 30 days of the provider's appointment by the judge.
How much does it cost?
The parenting conference is charged as a flat fee $800, which includes the following:
Up to three-hour in-person conference with the parents
Child interviews (if applicable)
Report writing
Review of up to 100 single-sided pages of relevant documents from each party
Does Dr. DiCarlo review additional information?
Each party is allowed to submit up to 100 single-sided pages of supplemental information related to concerns that should be consider during the parenting conference. The following guidelines must be followed regarding submissions:
Submissions should be relevant to the scope and purpose of the parenting conference.
Submissions must be sent through your attorney and copied to opposing counsel. If one or both parties are self-represented, items should be sent directly.
All submissions for consideration must be received by Dr. DiCarlo and opposing counsel prior to the start of the parenting conference meeting.
Submissions made during or after the conference will not be considered; however, Dr. DiCarlo may request that parties submit additional information or records following the conference based on data obtained during the conference.
Examples of acceptable submissions include, but are not limited to, DCS records, police reports, school/academic/attendance records, behavioral health records, medical records, psychological evaluations, previous parenting conference reports, agreements, emails, text messages, and photographs.
If audio or video files are to be submitted, they must be accompanied by a full transcript and provided in a universal file format, such as .mp4 (the items do not have to be professionally transcribed, but must be provided to the other party for examination with the other items).
Items should not be sent to Dr. DiCarlo’s office until the process begins and you are given specific instructions on the submission process.
Is a Parenting Conference the same as a “P.C.”?
No, a “PC” is typically referencing a Parenting Coordinator. A PC is usually a mental health or legal professional appointed by the Court to serve the family in a quasi-judicial role. A Parenting Conference on the other hand is a brief role in which the appointee meets with the parents one or two times and produces a single report.